The Four Gospels

The Four Gospels are the four scriptures that started in the New Testament. The writers are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Matthew or Levi is a tax collector for the Romans. He was visited by Jesus and made him his disciple. His theme is Messiah means anointed.   He used different words to mention money:  tribute, piece of money, talent and etc. He use the method of catechism.

 Mark or Marcus as his Roman name. He is the Son of Barnabas’ Sister. Peter is Mark’s Spiritual Father. He wrote his Gospel Before The Destruction of Jerusalem.  Mark interpreted a. number of Aramaic Words like: Talitha cumi, Ephahatha, Abba, and etc. The Purpose of his Gospel is to win the Gentile Romans to Christ. His theme is the Humble Servant.

Luke or The Beloved Physician and he was well educated. He was physician before that means he was doctor before christ. He was Paul’s Fellow Laborer. Paul and Luke were on the same missionary journey and were shipwrecked together. he had a recipient named Theophilus whom he wrote acts to. The date he wrote acts was beyond AD 63.  the purpose of his gospel is to win the Greeks to Christ. theme is of Luke’s gospel is the Son of Man.

John the fisher man. He had a brother James and his father is Zebedee. they were business partners with Peter and his brother James. John was a Disciple of John the Baptist. He called himself the loved by Christ. He wrote his gospel approximately AD95. Purpose was for all Men to know Christ. His theme the Son of God.

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